15 December 2010

Implementing SEO on WordPress

SEO (search engine optimization) is a technique to increase the number of visitors to a website coming from search engines. If your website is frequently displayed in search engine results, there is a chance that the traffic or the number of visitors will increase. It is true, if your website is displayed in the first page of the search engine results. This can be achieved by using the SEO techniques. In WordPress there are many ways to implement the SEO techniques.

The SEO is related with keywords. A search engine users search for specific information by typing in keywords in search field. Keywords consist of a word or a phrase of words. For example, a user wants to find information about "digital cameras". They may type in a word "camera" or "digital cameras" in search engines such as Google. And if he wants to buy a digital camera, he may type in "cheap digital camera", and so on.

So your challenge as a website owner is that you have to make your website listed on the first page of search engine results for keywords that you specify. For example, your keyword is "cheap digital cameras", if users type in the keyword on search engine then your website is listed on the first page of the search engine results.

On WordPress there are some SEO techniques. You can use so many WordPress themes that support SEO, also there are WordPress plugins that help you to optimize your content. One of the plugins that effectively help you to optimize your content is SEOPressor. The plugin guide you step by step what you have to do.

When search engine users type in those keywords, and your website is, let's say, listed in number three on the list of the search results, it will be great chances of your website will be clicked by the users. But if your website link is posted on the second page the search engine results, it is unlikely that users to click your website link. It is because they rarely open the second page.

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